The Zwinger Palace may be over 300 years old but its architectural detail and elegance still awe everyone today. The building came about at the request of Augustus the Strong, the Elector of Saxony, who, in the 1600s, commanded his architects Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann and Balthasar Permoser to create an orangerie but then, together, they did so much more. An extraordinary palace, a courtly work of architecture, came into being.
Staring June 30, visitors can immerse themselves in the Zwinger Xperience in a world of festivals, parades and drama by means of panorama projections and virtual reality stations. This special multimedia experience tells visitors the story of the Zwinger Palace itself, in one of the most beautiful baroque cities of the world.
Through the Zwinger Xperience, visitors have a chance to learn about the building itself. From May to October, the beautiful orange trees add a measure of Mediterranean charm. The wall pavilion, the nymph bath and fountain, the arched gallery and the garden in the center are highlights. The architectural details of the Zwinger are just as magnificent as they are overwhelming in their diversity.
The Zwinger Palace houses the Porcelain Collection, the Old Masters Picture Gallery and the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments, all of which are part of the Dresden State Art Collections. Known in German as the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD), the Dresden State Art Collections comprise 15 highly respected, globally acclaimed museums and now are open for visitors in person. Just go to their website to see the depth and breadth of their collections, including the famous Green Vault. The digital exhibitions and materials are also prodigious. This museum complex, including the Royal Palace and the Zwinger Palace, are the jewels in Dresden’s museum crown and truly of all of Germany.
The Zwinger Xperience is a joyful part of Saxony’s reopening story! In 1709, in the midst of boisterous parties, elaborate costumes and extravagant works of art, Augustus the Strong commissioned his magnificent building. Today, we have the opportunity to celebrate once again its opening and the recovery from the Corona pandemic.

Like all of the other tourism destinations in Europe and around the world, Dresden suffered from the loss of visitors. Its opera, symphony, museums, galleries, cafes and restaurants had to close but now with the increasing use of the vaccine, Covid is subsiding and the attractions are opening. Germany is open for business not only to all fully vaccinated Americans but also to those who are not vaccinated but have negative Covid tests. Most museums and attractions do require advance registrations, so please plan your visits and visit the websites to make reservations before you go or at your hotel.
[Photos and information provided via e-mail courtesy of State Tourist Board of Saxony/ Featured image: Zwinger Palace in Dresden at night by photographer Sebastian Rose @TMGS]